Learn More About EFW Radiology

Booking & Reception

  • Requisitions are valid for at least 1 year.

  • MOAs can connect with a Booker faster by calling our Doctors’ line at 403-541-1200 extension 6. The average wait time is only 35 seconds!

  • Have a scanned copy of a requisition in your patient file for when our team connects with you on the appointment. 

  • Include your location and address on the requisition. Physicians often work out of more than one clinic, and having the reference of which location the requisition is coming from is very helpful as a part of the booking process. 

  • Urgent requests will be handled the day of receipt, and will call patients back-to-back business days. Non-urgent requests will be called within 48 business hours and patients will receive two calls (1 week apart).

  • Clinic Communications:

    • Your clinic will be notified right away if we are unable to do an exam. If we do not contact the patient after two calls, we will send the requisition back to your clinic. 

  • Patient Notifications: 

    • At the time of booking, an email confirmation will be sent to the patient including appointment details and prep instructions.

    • A text reminder will be sent four days before the appointment.


  • We have six locations providing X-Ray across Calgary and Area.
  • X-Ray is 90% walk in, with some limited booked appointments, with regular Saturdays and evenings at some locations.
  • Our X-Rays are generally all read within 24-48 hours of the exam time.
  • We collaborated with a provincial surgical initiative to ensure the x-ray views we take are in line with the patient’s potential future treatment, to reduce repeat exams and radiation exposure. 


  • We have two locations providing MRI in NW and SE Calgary.
  • We offer competitive pricing.
  • Day, evening and weekend appointments available.
  • Access to wide bore at Seton for claustrophobia. 
  • Free parking at both locations. 
  • Access to lead Radiologist if referring Physician has any questions regarding what exam to order for their patient.
  • Requisitions:
    • We will accept all providers, clinical indications and history for the patient are really important to ensure we complete the correct exam and provide the answers the referring physician is looking for.
    • We require requisitions and any pertinent paperwork prior to us calling the patient.  This will allow the patient to be booked in a timelier manner with the correct information ie. Price, preparation, duration, clinic location. 


  • We have nine locations with various specialties including Maternal Fetal Medicine, MSK, Pediatrics, Bowel, Endometriosis, Breast, Fetal Echocardiogram, Adult Echocardiogram, MSK Procedures, SWE, HCC and biopsies (Breast, Prostate, Thyroid).
  • Day, Evening, and Weekend appointments available.
  • We are a leading provider of CVS and Amniocentesis procedures.
  • In partnership with Glenmore Vein Clinic, we also offer Vein Mapping and Echosclerotherapy
  • Ultrasound does not use radiation but sound waves which in the frequencies used (in moderation) is considered safe.
  • Ultrasound is best used for organs, soft tissues, and used to help needle guidance during procedures. Ultrasound does not see through air (lungs) or bone.
  • We have Perinatologists and/or Radiologists on site reading our ultrasounds during all clinic hours. The report will then be sent to the referring physician in the upcoming business days and available to the patient via My Health Records (General Ultrasound only).
    Throughout the year we host students in practicum
  • Requisitions:
    • Specialty exams may require Specialist referral.
    • Clinical indications and history of patients are important to ensure the correct exam is completed to ensure the clinical question is being answered.

Breast Imaging 

  • We have four locations providing comprehensive Breast Imaging Services.
  • Mammograms are not as painful as the rumors suggest.
  • Breast density is something that is included in every screening Mammogram result letter for the patient information. If your patient has dense breasts, ask your referring physician for an AWBU.
  • For urgent diagnostic mammograms we can see you typically within two days provided your patient is flexible with location. 

Maternal Fetal Medicine 

  • We have four locations offering Maternal Fetal Medicine.
  • Our Maternal Fetal Medicine is staffed by Perinatologists who are obstetricians with specialized training, and our registered nurses have experience in labour and delivery, neonatal intensive care, and postpartum care. Learn more about EFW’s Maternal Fetal Medicine services.
  • We offer Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (cfDNA).
  • We have added placental function screening to all FTS scans.
  • The more information provided in the indication of the requisition the better, so that we can help answer your questions.
  • We will always try to accommodate the request for appointments, and we do open extra spots to meet demand.

Nuclear Medicine 

  • We have three locations offering Nuclear Medicine. 
  • Free parking at all locations.
  • Day, evening and weekend appointments available.
  • Radiation exposure for Nuclear Medicine exam is less than a CT scan.
  • We offer Bone scans with SPECT/CT at both our NW and SE locations.
  • Quick turn around time for reports.
  • Access to medically urgent appointments if required.
  • If the patient is concerned about radiation exposure, a Technologist will explain everything at their appointment or call them ahead of time if that would be of benefit.

Bone Mineral Densitometry

  • We have five locations offering Bone Mineral Densitometry.
  • Our quick exam is only 20 minutes start to finish.
  • All BMD machines are cross calibrated so if you move within the city to a different neighbourhood, we can ensure an accurate follow up regardless of which EFW location you visit.
  • Very important that the patient is prepared to list the name of any bone density medication or corticosteroids they have been prescribed and how long they have or have not been consistently taking the medication. Our Technologist will ask for this information every time.
  • A patient may only be referred for a follow up every 2 years unless they qualify based on a list of pre-approved clinical indications by the Alberta Medical Association. It will speed up the booking process if the patients requisition includes their risk factors for Osteoporosis and particularly if there is indication as to why they will qualify for a repeat exam.
  • Any patient under the age of 50 must be referred by an approved specialist BMD booking guidelines are controlled by Alberta Health and the AMA, not EFW. 

Pain Management

  • We have two locations offering Pain Management in NW and SE Calgary. 
  • Pain management is a growing medical specialty dedicated to treating acute, subacute, and chronic pain. The goal of pain medicine is to improve quality of life and help patients return to everyday activities without surgery.

  • EFW Radiology uses a team approach to treat different types of spine and joint-related pain. We work with your referring physician, physical and occupational therapists — to provide high-quality, effective pain care.

  • There are no limits to how many cortisone injections you can get. There used to be a belief that you could have 3 injections in your lifetime. This is outdated information.  
  • Cortisone is a Steroid injection.
  • Cortisone is meant to provide longer-term pain relief to replace daily pain medications, but does not fix the initial issue. 

Referrer Relations 

  • Our Referrer Relations Team is your point of contact for any questions you may have about patient care. 
  • We are your resource to help you navigate anything from MRI pricing, booking, requisitions to specialty programs and more! 
  • Please contact Veronica or Sean directly for requisition requests. This will ensure an expedited delivery compared to the traditional route of faxing in your requests. 
  • Our Referrer Relations Team can provide you with access to our modality Advisory Board Members. We appreciate our continued business partnership and communication.
  • Our new partnership at Symphony of Health provides specialized care in cardiovascular and pulmonary chronic health conditions. Reach out to us for more details! 

Sean Sweeney

Referrer Relations Specialist
[email protected]

Veronica Cunningham

Referrer Relations Specialist
[email protected]


  • EFW is celebrating 55 years! Learn more about EFW Radiology’s history
  • We accept all requisitions. You can download our requisitions or request requisition pads here. 
  • We provide over fifteen comprehensive diagnostic and interventional imaging services.
  • We have fourteen convenient locations across Calgary and Area.
  • We are excited to announce our newest EFW location on the second floor of the prestigious Uxborough Centre, adjacent to the Calgary Cancer Centre. Opening Fall of 2024. 
  • EFW Physicians are sub-specialized experts in their specific fields, including both Radiologists and Perinatologists
  • We believe our commitment to excellent care extends to our community, which is why we support various local organizations.

Hannah Beaton

Marketing Manager 
[email protected]