Body Radiology
University of Calgary
Body Imaging Fellowship University of Calgary
MD, FRCPC, Body Imaging Radiologist
Multidisciplinary Hepatobiliary Rounds
University of Calgary Resident Program Rounds
Alberta Medical Association
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Canadian Medical Protective Associations
Society of Radiologist in Ultrasound - Fellow
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
Radiology Society of North America
Alberta Society of Radiologist
Canadian Society of Radiologist
International Contrast Ultrasound Society
Research focus on Bowel Ultrasound, Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and Elastography.
Risk Stratification of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease using a case identification pathway in primary Care: A cross-sectional Study. Abdel Aziz Shaheen, Kiarash Riazi, Alexandra Medellin, Deepak Bhayana, Gilaad G. Kaplan, Jason Jiang, Roy Park, Wendy Schaufert, Kelly W. Burak, Monica Sargious, Mark G. Swain, CMAJ OPEN, 8(2)
ARFI and conventional US in the prediction of Cirrhosis Complicating Fatty Liver. Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol 45, No 12, pp. 3160-3171,2019. A. Medellin, G. Pridham, S. Jayakumar, S. Urbanski, SR. Wilsons
Fundamental of CEUS, Elsevier Inc, Lyshchik, Dietrich,Sidhu, Wilson. A. Medellin Author Contributor
Role of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound in Evaluation of the Bowel, Journal of Abdominal Radiology 2017. Alexandra Medellin, Christina Merrill, Stephanie R. Wilson.
Quantitative contrast-enhanced Ultrasound Parameters in Crohn Disease: Their role in Disease Activity Determination with Sonography, AJR 2016, Alexandra Medellin-Kowalewski, Rune Wilkens, Alexandra Wilson, Ji Ruan, Stephanie Wilson.
Bowel Ultrasound State of the Art: Grayscale and Doppler Ultrasound, Contrast Enhancement, and Elastography in Crohn Disease, Cathy Lu, Christina Merrill, Alexandra Medellin, Kerri Novak, Stephanie Wilson. J Ultrasound Med 2019 Feb;38(2):271-288.
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