Test subtitle

Timeline Panel

Patient Focused Care

EFW Radiology provides over fifteen comprehensive diagnostic and interventional imaging services. Click below to learn more.

(DEV) Sample CTA

Vivamus laoreet. Nullam vel sem. Vestibulum facilisis, purus nec pulvinar iaculis, ligula mi congue nunc, vitae euismod ligula urna in dolor. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam.

Nullam vel sem. Cras sagittis. Fusce neque. Vivamus aliquet elit ac nisl.

Sample CTA
Sample CTA

Patient Focused Care

EFW Radiology provides over fifteen comprehensive diagnostic and interventional imaging services. Click below to learn more.

Panel Subtitle

Sample Side by Side

Praesent egestas tristique nibh. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Quisque id mi.

Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Fusce convallis metus id felis luctus adipiscing.

Sample Side by Side
Panel Subtitle

Embedded Reviews

Subtitle Goes Here

Staff Panel


Standard Panel H2
Headline with multiple lines.

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at.

Header Three (H3)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean vitae nisi maximus, dignissim nisi sed, commodo orci. Curabitur posuere dui tellus, porttitor vehicula est aliquam vitae.

Header Four (H4)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id cursus leo. Phasellus nibh est, ullamcorper sed nunc ac, tempor tempor augue. Nam est leo, mollis quis lectus in, hendrerit varius nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam fermentum lacus posuere mollis dapibus. Cras gravida enim nec euismod bibendum.

Sample Link

Donec eu nisl pretium, suscipit diam eget, lobortis eros. Suspendisse ante ex, volutpat vitae dictum eget, placerat eget arcu.

Header 5 (H5)

Donec sagittis porta nunc vel ornare. Phasellus ut mi facilisis, ultrices nunc in, rhoncus tortor. Aliquam facilisis ex magna, id volutpat justo consectetur eget. Suspendisse scelerisque metus ut neque fringilla, ut faucibus quam venenatis. Proin nec velit porttitor, pulvinar nunc in, lobortis odio. Proin et posuere urna. Praesent vehicula nunc at tortor ultricies, eget tempus tellus faucibus.

Sample Table Column 1 Sample Table Column 2 Sample Table Column 3
This table was inserted through tinyMCE. All of the styles (borders, colors, alignment, paddings) can be edited through the tinyMCE editor. You can create multiple rows and columns.
You can assign which cells to be used as labels or "header cells" This table is completely responsive. It is best to not specify a width when creating tables as it will affect the responsiveness of the table (do not drag the edges of the cells - doing so will assign fixed widths to the cells).
Header 6 (H6)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Suspendisse scelerisque metus ut neque fringilla, ut faucibus quam venenatis.

Curabitur maximus ante ac efficitur consectetur. Curabitur lobortis vitae enim sit amet maximus. Sed in semper ante. Pellentesque egestas magna dapibus, egestas tortor non, malesuada urna. Nulla lectus mi, condimentum in commodo et, semper et tortor.

Fill it out!

Form Panel

Description about form goes here.


Your Information

No file chosen
Panel Subtitle Goes Here

Standard Panel w/ Tabs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id cursus leo. Phasellus nibh est, ullamcorper sed nunc ac, tempor tempor augue. Nam est leo, mollis quis lectus in, hendrerit varius nisl.

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at.

Header Three (H3)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id cursus leo. Phasellus nibh est, ullamcorper sed nunc ac, tempor tempor augue. Nam est leo, mollis quis lectus in, hendrerit varius nisl.

Header Three (H3)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id cursus leo. Phasellus nibh est, ullamcorper sed nunc ac, tempor tempor augue. Nam est leo, mollis quis lectus in, hendrerit varius nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam fermentum lacus posuere mollis dapibus. Cras gravida enim nec euismod bibendum.

Curabitur maximus ante ac efficitur consectetur. Curabitur lobortis vitae enim sit amet maximus. Sed in semper ante. Pellentesque egestas magna dapibus, egestas tortor non, malesuada urna. Nulla lectus mi, condimentum in commodo et, semper et tortor.

Header Four (H4)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at.

Curabitur maximus ante ac efficitur consectetur. Curabitur lobortis vitae enim sit amet maximus. Sed in semper ante. Pellentesque egestas magna dapibus, egestas tortor non, malesuada urna. Nulla lectus mi, condimentum in commodo et, semper et tortor.

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id cursus leo. Phasellus nibh est, ullamcorper sed nunc ac, tempor tempor augue. Nam est leo, mollis quis lectus in, hendrerit varius nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam fermentum lacus posuere mollis dapibus. Cras gravida enim nec euismod bibendum.


Parallax Panel Insert

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sed velit in nisi finibus porta. Quisque nec eleifend leo, sed interdum augue. Aliquam tempor molestie ante, nec gravida urna sagittis et. Phasellus vel ultrices purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ullamcorper ac elit sed volutpat. Ut nec aliquam dolor.

Panel Subtitle

Side by Side Panel (Image Left)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at. Curabitur maximus ante ac efficitur consectetur.

Curabitur lobortis vitae enim sit amet maximus. Sed in semper ante. Pellentesque egestas magna dapibus, egestas tortor non, malesuada urna. Nulla lectus mi, condimentum in commodo et, semper et tortor.

Side by Side Panel (Image Right)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at. Curabitur maximus ante ac efficitur consectetur. Curabitur lobortis vitae enim sit amet maximus. Sed in semper ante. Pellentesque egestas magna dapibus, egestas tortor non, malesuada urna. Nulla lectus mi, condimentum in commodo et, semper et tortor.

Side by Side Panel (Image Right)

Parallax Without An Image

Parallax panels that have no background image will have less padding and smaller font size.

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Asked Questions


  • Why Choose EFW ?

    EFW Radiologists are imaging specialists, each with a dedicated focus and extra training related to a particular body part or system. This is often called fellowship training and can range from one to three years above and beyond the training to be a Radiologist.  These subspecialties include Neuroradiology, Abdominal, Pelvic and Chest Imaging, Breast Imaging, Musculoskeletal Imaging, and Vascular Imaging.  

    Patients can be confident that they will have the right EFW Radiologist planning and reading their MRI.  Our technologists will treat you with care ensuring that you feel comfortable and informed during your exam, while making sure the best possible quality exam is obtained.  

  • What is the MRI examination like?

    The MRI examination is performed in a special room to safely manage the magnetic field. You will be escorted into the room by a staff member and asked to lie down on a padded table that positions you within the scanner.

    During the MRI examination, you may be required to wear earplugs or headphones to protect your hearing because, as MRI scanners operate, they produce loud noises. These sounds are normal and are not cause for concern.

    The most important thing for the patient to do is to relax and lie still. Most MRI exams take between 15 to 45 minutes to complete depending on the body part imaged and how many images are needed, although some may take up to 60-minutes or longer. You’ll be told ahead of time just how long your scan is expected to take.

    For some MRI studies, a contrast agent may need to be injected into a vein or joint to ensure all needed information is obtained of the region being examined. For joint exams contrast will be injected in a separate procedure room prior to the MRI exam. Otherwise, this is typically done through a small needle connected to an intravenous line that is placed in your arm or in a hand vein. Unlike contrast agents used in x-ray studies, MRI contrast agents do not contain iodine and rarely cause allergic reactions or other problems.

    You will be asked to remain still during the time the imaging takes place, but between sequences some minor movement may be allowed. The MRI Technologist will advise you, accordingly.

    When the MRI procedure begins, you may breathe normally, however, for certain examinations it may be necessary for you to hold your breath for a short period of time.

    During your MRI examination, the technologist will be able to speak to you, hear you, and observe you at all times. 

  • How do I prepare for an MRI exam?

    Most MRI exams require no special preparation. You can eat, drink and take medications as usual.  Some exams will require special preparations that will be fully explained to you at the time you arrange your exam. 

    You won’t be allowed to wear anything metallic during the MRI examination, so it would be best to leave watches, jewelry or anything made from metal at home. Even some cosmetics contain small amounts of metals, so it is best to not wear make-up.

  • How do I arrange an MRI?

    After obtaining a requisition from your physician, you can call our MRI booking team at 403-244-3700 or request an appointment here.

    Our dedicated MRI staff will help by asking you screening questions, ensure you are provided information regarding the appointment and any preparation for your exam. You are welcome to ask questions of our staff.  Our MRI Team work closely with our doctors and are experienced providers of imaging care.

    Our MRI staff will assist in coordinating any accompanying x-rays if needed.

  • What if I have claustrophobia and discomfort?

    Options to help manage claustrophobia or possible discomfort can be discussed with you at the time of booking and prior to the exam.

    The MRI Technologists are available to you during the exam and will assist as needed.

  • Why do I need contrast?

    Depending on your healthcare provider’s questions or concerns, contrast may be required to complete the exam and provide the information required.  The MRI Technologist will ensure all of your questions are answered prior to having you consent to the injection into your vein or into a joint. 

    We only use contrast agents when we believe it is required to answer your doctor’s question. The related $250 fee is for the cost of the contrast, medical supplies and the additional time and images required.

  • May I have as many MRIs as I want?

    MRI is accepted as very safe but is performed to only to help your healthcare team answer a question or to provide information needed in deciding what treatment is best for you.  Medical exams should only be used when considered appropriate to answer a clinical question and are medically indicated. We require an exam to be requested from an appropriate regulated healthcare provider. EFW does not perform comprehensive MRI body screening.

  • Can the price change?

    EFW performs only clinically warranted MRI and our Staff and Physicians will design the best exam to answer your healthcare team’s questions. The cost and nature of the exam will be fully shared with you prior to the exam being completed. 

Side By Side With No Image

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at. Curabitur maximus ante ac efficitur consectetur.

Need an Appointment?

Call our Booking Team!

EFW Radiology (“EFW”) is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of your personal health information. We collect, use and disclose information in compliance with the Health Information Act of Alberta, and Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act.

If you have any questions regarding EFW’s privacy policies or practices please contact our Privacy Officer. If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction by us, you may contact The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

We Want to Hear From You

We are committed to providing you with excellent care and service. If you have any concerns, please let us know by providing us your feedback. We value your opinion and welcome your thoughts.